Date / Time
Date(s) - 11 Jan 2014
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
By the time you read this you should all be sated & replete after a good walk in the country & a hearty Christmas luncheon, mince pies & mulled wine.
Now that this important part of the NMC social calendar is past, we can look forward to the next – the AGM – by which time everyone should be ensurient for another good meal & good company.
Following the success of last years AGM, the format will be the same, with the club having sole use of the upstairs at Lucky’s in Newbury for a set indian of three courses plus sides.
So, January 11th 2014 – 19:00hrs Lucky’s ( )
The evening will follow the usual format – drinks, food, awards, slide & video show.
Naturally to be a success I’ll need some input & feedback – Having only been on 2 trips in 2013 ( and one of those the one I ran ) I have no idea as to what were the highlights ( and low lights ) of the year, and have no images.
To be able to award awards I need to know what award-able things happened in 2014, no matter how trivial, folderol, cataclysmic, epic, droll or seemingly unimportant.
To have the slide show we’ll need your pictures! NOT on the night please! please email / drop off on a memory stick any images which capture the essence of NMC in 2013.
Award categories we have had in the past include –
The Altitude ( highest point reached by a club member during the year, not necessarily on a club trip )
The No Fixed Abode – Person(s) attending the most trips in the year
The Gordon Ramsay – for culinary excellence
The Girl Guide – for being prepared in the hills & saving the day through gear & gadgets
The Golden Underpants – for the nearest near death incident
The Saint Bernard – for saving the day not through gear & gadgets
The Judith Chalmers ( Best Trip ) – for the trip which had the highest satisfacting rating using the Bruce Formula.
This list isn’t by any means compulsory, or final & if anyone has any thoughts on events, things, happenings etc etc in 2013 which are worthy of note, please let me know. Prizes will be awarded.
So, please mark the date, let me know if you are going to be there & PLEASE give some feedback!
Organiser Dan Unwin
Lucky's restaurant