Newbury Mountain Club are a group of enthusiasts with a love for the outdoors and we have many skilled and experienced members in the club. However we are a group of individuals with good intentions and we are not a professional body or organisation, so it is vital that existing club members and potential new members understand this and any implications associated with this.
The BMC understands these challenges and how clubs can manage this. They have produced a guide on “Risk Liability” which can be found here.
The BMC have also produced guidelines on their club insurance which can be found here.
Whilst it is not possible to categorise every outdoor activity & scenario the guide attempts to give some clarity given the varied nature of outdoor activities. The guide is brief and open to interpretation like all things. The BMC insurance also covers a pre-set list of outdoor activities as well. Whilst these generally align with activities that NMC do, you should be aware that some activities may fall outside of this scope and we have a responsibility to notify the BMC of any unusual club activities. More information on this can be found here.
The Mountaineering Council of Scotland also have some very detailed information that is useful to further try to clarify responsibilities and liabilities in the mountains which can be found here. However we do not have any direct affiliation to MCoS.
From a NMC perspective we have an expectation from all our members which can be summarised as follows: “You MUST be responsible for your own actions and safety, and to help ensure the safety of others through your own actions as well”. Additionally, whilst individuals in the club will offer guidance, help and advice when participating on a trip they cannot assume responsibility for an individual or their actions.
To discuss this further please contact a member of the committee…