How are the club trips decided upon?
This is a communal endeavour. There will also be a few trip organisation meetings throughout the year, which all Club members can attend. We try to provide at least 1 weekend trip each month, and visit a variety of mountain locations. If you have an idea for a trip, please contact the committee. We’re certainly open to new ideas and places to visit.
How do I book a place on a trip?
Contact the trip organiser (listed on the event). For some trips, places may be limited, so it pays to be early. Normally, the organiser will confirm with you immediately. For trips where we have to book accommodation in advance, we ask for a deposit and in this case, your place is only confirmed when you pay the specified deposit. If our accommodation is full, it is sometimes possible to camp close by but this must be confirmed beforehand.
How do I pay money to the club?
Normally, payment relates to trips. You can either pay the organiser, or the treasurer. We prefer electronic payment into the club’s bank account, and please include a reference indicating what the payment is for. Payment info is detailed in your welcome pack.
I find it hard to get to the Tuesday night meets. How else can I sign up for trips?
Trips are advertised on the Club website, and in emails sent out by the club. You can email the trip organiser direct (links provided in the emails).
How do I join the club?
Contact the Club Secretary, or come along on a Tuesday evening and introduce yourself! Prospective Club members and other new nonâ€members can attend one weekend Club meet before deciding whether or not to join the Club.
Do you offer family membership?
No. Newbury Mountain Club does not allow children (under eighteen) as members; that is as Individual Members or through family membership. However, we do allow children of members to attend club trips or events provided that they are supervised at all times.
On trips away from home involving an overnight stay (huts, bunkhouses, cottages, hostels and camping), the accommodation must have suitable sleeping accommodation for children and their families – suitable accommodation means sleeping arrangements that the parent(s) and the trip organiser are both happy with. This effectively rules out some huts and bunkhouses; unfortunate, but it is in accordance with the BMC Child Protection Policy.
Why do I have to submit a membership form when joining?
This is so we have a note of your details and an emergency contact in the unfortunate circumstance of it being needed, and to activate your BMC membership.
Why do I have to sign a liability clause in the membership form?
Although we are a recognised club, members are responsible for their own safety. Activities such as hill-walking and mountaineering are potentially dangerous. This liability clause has been included under the advice of the BMC to ensure members are aware of their responsibilities.
Is the club a profit making concern?
No, we are a non-profit organization. Any additional funds are kept for the overall benefit of members. In the past we have subsidised training courses, and we organised a number of Tuesday night talks.
Q. How can I put trip reports or photos on the website?
Just send it to the Webmaster. No trip report has to our knowledge ever been turned down. Please make sure photos are not too large.