Local Walk – Lambourn Valley Way

Date / Time
Date(s) - 21 Mar 2015 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

On Saturday I am planning to lead a walk along the Lambourn Valley Way. The whole thing is 22 miles, so it will be a good training route for those intending to do the Ridgeway40 this year. However, if you fancy something shorter, don’t switch off yet!

The route begins at Uffington White Horse Hill and (handily) finishes in our fair town of Newbury. I reckon it might well take us a good 6-7 hours to do the whole route depending on how many pub stops we have, so we will have to get a good early start.

Options on getting there are:
1. We arrange car shares and do a shuffle with some people driving drivers back to their cars left at the start.
2. Public transport is almost a 2hr journey – leaving Newbury train station at 9:13 and then taking 2 buses from Hungerford, getting to Uffington Hill at 10:54!

If we can arrange car shuffling for those taking the long route, people could join us for a shorter (13 miles) from Lambourn by catching a bus from Newbury at the lie-in time of 10:45, meeting up with the rest of the group about 11.30 in Lambourn.

You will need food/snacks for the day (although there are places to get in supplies along the route) and looking at the weather today – a waterproof!

Please email Sarah Roberts at goodgrieflaw@gmail.com if you would like to come along, including which route you’re up for and what you can do regarding transport.

Organiser Sarah Roberts

uffington white horse

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