Trip Planning Evening

Date / Time
Date(s) - 20 Feb 2018 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm

As your new Trip Coordinator I am organising a planning evening at The Lion pub on Tuesday, 20th February.

We have a few trips planned for this year but would welcome any suggestions / ideas that you may have. They can be anything from local day/evening walks to trips to various parts of the country and beyond. There may be places that we haven’t been to that you would like to visit or explore. Having an idea does not mean that the club will be expecting you to organise and plan a trip. However, it would be great to have new organisers and there are plenty of experienced members who would be willing to help and give support.

It’s your club so please come along and support it as we need your input so we know what trips to plan. After all trips are the most important part of the club!

If you are unable to come along please let me know any ideas that you may have

Organiser Maggie Russell

The Lion

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