Scotland 2015

Attendees: Claire, Alan, Maggie, Mark C, Tricia, Andy M, Simon P, Dave W, Roy, Bruce, Sarah, Barry, Naomi, Pam, Martin, Dan U, Simon K, Ali, Keyna, James, Joanne, Steve, Belinda, Annie.

Farleyer (pronounced “Farley – ewer”, not “Far Layer”) Lodge provided a great base for this year’s Easter trip to Scotland. The main house providing a dining table that comfortably seated 20, and a kitchen to match. We also had Keeper’s Cottage in the ground, which was ideal for those with children.

Describing all the week’s activities would make for a very long report. As usual everyone got on well, and there was a variety of activities all day to suit all abilities. So bullet points – and please feel free to send in your own.

  • Claire flashing her assets at the drone*
  • Towing out the 4 Latvian guys with a climbing sling.
  • Roy’s “A Bridge Too Far”, walk which left Tricia and others crippled for days.
  • Dan’s fearless crampon descent off An Stuc to applauding onlookers. I discovered a few days later, turn right at the top, and there’s an easy way down.
  • Barry’s first go at winter fell-running at Crianlarich. He did superbly well.
  • Breakfast on Shiellalion.

Thanks to Claire for finding such great accommodation, and for all of those in the club who helped organize it. And especially anyone who volunteered for catering duty.
And nobody died.

*only kidding, you can’t see anything and I’ve checked the footage very carefully.

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