Wye Valley Experience – 22-25 May 2015

Attendees: Michael, Gaby & Christopher; Martin & John; Maggie; Andy M, Debbie & Charlotte M; Andy D, Sarah, Charlotte D & Max

This was a trip for the imaginative adventurer, open to all including families. We camped at the very popular Bracelands for the duration of the late May bank holiday weekend and took part in a new activity each day.

Saturday: Youngsters John & Christopher lead their parents off the beaten track on 2 wheels, clocking many miles and much kudos. Andy & Sarah practiced setting up climbs on one of the many boulders in the area, Charlotte & Max were happy rock hopping volunteers. Maggie meanwhile entered the woods intent on practicing her navigation skills, she duly returned some time later.

Sunday was spent on the river, canoeing from Wilton to Symonds Yat. The 13 miles seemed to be over all too quickly. We hired 3 boats and started with a mass of other paddlers at about 9am. We whizzed past the early checkpoints (as it was too early for liquid refreshment). We stopped for lunch and Ice creams along the route and found the very peaceful YHA hostel and campsite, we all suggested this was where we should have stayed, much more NMC.. It wasn’t all plain sailing, Andy D & Charlotte rescued a couple of luckless canoeist who had come a cropper, whilst Gaby confiscated Christopher’s paddle for splashing violations!

Meanwhile Martin & John walked to the Yat and back without any grumbling, both were exhausted on such a warm day.


Not wishing to miss a moment, we planned a full day of action rather than rushing home. Our final adventure was a circular route to the Yat and back, taking in some Caves, a wobbly bridge crossing over the Wye, a manual ferry back over the river, before Ice cream at the Rock and a long walk home, fabulous fun and no grumbling from the young or old. J

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