Lesson 1
Map Basics
- Map scales
- Measuring distances
- National grid
- Grid references
- Setting the map – By identifiable features
- Contours
- Basics
- Slopes/steepness – clinometer. gradient, i.e.
- 8 contour lines in 500m = 16 in 1000m= 160m climb in 1000m vertical = 16%
- 100% = 45 degrees
- Index contours = every 50m
- 10 index contours (500m) in 500m horiz = 45 degrees
- 2 index contours in 500m horiz = 10 degrees
- Compass
- Basic parts
- True North (Day/night)
- Grid north (covered earlier)
- Magnetic north
- Finding GMA
- “Mag to Grid – get rid, Grid to Mag – add”
Map exercise
Practical 1
19/03/04, Exmoor
Lesson 2
Setting the map – compass
- Basic (hold compass over map rotate until compass needle and grid lines match
- Accurate (set compass with GMA, set compass body with grid lines, rotate until north arrow falls within orienting arrow)
Taking a bearing from the map
Walking on a bearing
- Good visibility
- Poor visibility
- Night
Taking a bearing from the ground (you know where you are)
Finding your position from identifiable features
Use of transits
Back bearings (no need to subtract/add 180 deg)
Map exercise
Lesson 3
Revision from Lesson 1 & 2
Basic navigation
Timing (Naismiths rule)
- work out speed (average 5km/h) or 3kph if fully laden
- 12 min per km
- add 5 min for every index (50m) contour climbed or 1 min for every 10m contour climbed
- For short sections of downhill: gentle -1 mins/30 m descent
- v steep +1min/30m descent
Slopes – aspect of slope/contouring/tick off points
Aiming off/attack points
Route planning
Escape routes
Map exercise
Practical 2
Night navigation on Snelsmore Common
Practical 3
25/07/2004 Elan Valley